Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Washtenaw County AEYC Training

Washtenaw County Association for the Education of Young Children and Learning from the Heart Presents “Smart Moves: An Introduction to Brain Gym®”

Wednesday, November 12, 2008, 6:00 to 7:45 p.m.

Adventure Center, 2111 Golfside Road (near St. Joe’s hospital), Ypsilanti, MI

This class is a fun, informative introduction to movement-based learning. You will learn movements that you can use in the very next day to help you (and your children) feel calmer and make teaching (and learning) more effortless.

Brain Gym® is a program of easy physical movements that synchronize body and mind to optimize how we learn and perform in all areas of our lives. The movements are easy to do and enjoyable for adults, children, and seniors, and they bring about rapid and lasting changes in fundamental abilities, including: focus, organization, comprehension, physical coordination, social and communication skills, memory, attentiveness, and more.

Brain Gym began as a breakthrough for overcoming learning disabilities, but soon expanded into a program for drawing out potential at every level of skill and achievement.

The instructor, Katy Held, is a licensed Brain Gym® consultant/instructor. She took her first Brain Gym course in 2001 to help her son, who has a disability. She soon realized that this was what she wanted to do when she grew up – teach Brain Gym! Since then, she has taken over 700 hours of training in Brain Gym and Educational Kinesiology. She became licensed to teach Brain Gym in October 2004, and loves to share this great work with kids of all ages.

Web Site:
Brain Gym® is a registered trademark of the Educational Kinesiology Foundation, Ventura, CA.

Brain Gym® will be from 6:45-7:45 p.m. & a Make-it/Take-it project will be from 6:15- 7:45 p.m.

FREE for WCAEYC members, $10.00 for non-members

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