Tuesday, February 22, 2011

WCAEYC Event this week

Caring for Caregivers: Fostering Good Mental Health in Early Childhood Professionals

February 24th, 2011

St. Paul’s Early Childhood Center located at 420 W. Liberty, Ann Arbor

FREE for WCAEYC members // $10.00 for Non-members

Email to register!

Whoever said that child care work is easy has clearly never been in a room with a half dozen crying infants or a whole room full of unruly three year-olds. Child care professionals are faced with a number of stressful aspects on the job, ranging from dealing with difficult children (and their parents!) to facing the ergonomic challenges of sitting on the floor or using furniture meant for small children. Child care workers also face stress for personal reasons such as earning low pay, working long hours, and managing their own busy lives with their spouses and children at home. The focus of this interactive talk will be on identifying the signs of stress and learning how to recognize the signs of more serious problems developing, such as symptoms of depression or anxiety. The talk will include discussion on the sources of stress and group practice of stress-busting activities that can be used to reduce stress on the job.

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